
ifa-Galerie Stuttgart

ifa-Galerie Stuttgart
The ifa Gallery Stuttgart provides insights into the global art scenes of fine arts, architecture and design, architecture and design. In mostly thematic exhibitions, the gallery presents contemporary art, architecture and design from all over the world and thus promotes intercultural dialogue and discourse.

The ifa-Galerie Stuttgart is an important centre for contemporary art that focuses on international perspectives and intercultural dialogues. The gallery deals intensively with current global issues, focussing in particular on post-colonial movements, migration and cultural transfers.

These focal points are reflected in the exhibitions, which are often developed in a co-creative process. Great emphasis is placed on collaboration between global and local artists, resulting in a dynamic and polyphonic platform. In recent years, the ifa Gallery Stuttgart has further consolidated its role as a place of reflection and exchange. Innovative exhibition concepts and interactive formats actively involve visitors in the creative process. Especially in times of social and economic upheaval, the gallery shows how fragile conventional attributions have become and how important it is to use art as a medium of dialogue and understanding.

The gallery not only offers space for works of art, but also for diverse voices and perspectives that interweave into a multi-layered dialogue. This openness and continuous dialogue make the ifa Gallery a lively place where art and society come together in a global context. The examination of the themes presented and the involvement of visitors promote a deeper understanding of the complex interdependencies of our time.


Quick Facts


ifa-Galerie Stuttgart
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stuttgart


Telefon: +49.711.2225.173
E-Mail: ifa-galerie-stuttgart@ifa.de
Web: https://www.ifa.de/kunst/ifa-galerie-stuttgart/

Opening Hours

Wednesday – Sunday: 12:00 – 18:00
Closed on Mondays and public holidays

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