

Philip Kottlorz, Ōkyū
STGT Okyu Aufmacher
Over the centuries, different styles have developed in Japanese temple architecture. The Japanese restaurant Ōkyū in the heart of Stuttgart is based on the "eclectic style", the so-called setchū-yō.

The planners of Studio Komo Interior Designers have taken up classic elements of traditional temple architecture, reinterpreted them and adapted them to the needs of upscale experience gastronomy. For operator Phuc Nguyen Duc, Ōkyū is his third restaurant in Stuttgart. When the plans for the new Calw Passage fell into his hands, he grabbed it. The location in the middle of the city, the added value for the climate through the green façade and the sustainable concept convinced him immediately.

“The result is a guest room that regularly elicits an audible wow from its visitors and accompanies the enjoyable evening with appropriate spatial entertainment!” says Nguyen Duc.

Spatially, the Ōkyū contains various areas such as Basho – the courtyard, Kōen – the garden, Funsui – the fountain, Kitchin – the kitchen and Yokujō – the bathhouse. During the planning process, other influences from Japanese culture were added, such as noren – traditional Japanese linen curtains – stage the ceilings and poetry has also found its way. Haikus, Japanese short poems with a maximum of 17 syllables, adorn the interiors in unexpected places. Particularly characteristic of the room, some of which is almost five metres high, are the moulded stone walls. The interior designers had these elaborately finished with red ceramic glaze. In connection with the new gastronomy, it was also necessary to integrate the façade of the old Calwer Passage. This is a listed building and was preserved when the building was dismantled. Today, it merges perfectly with the new building inside. Subtle perception was also important to the planners of the Ōkyū. The floor plan and its individual zones were examined by a Feng Shui master from Vietnam. His judgment led to adjustments and today ensures the highest level of well-being.

At Ōkyū, the focus is not only on design, but also on food and Asian cuisine. In addition, a lot of emphasis is placed on well-mixed drinks and high-quality spirits. The menu not only features 140 different types of gin, but also 20 specially selected sake in addition to selected wines. We think – to finish it off, they also have one of the best espressos in town!

Editor’s Pick:

On Fridays and Saturdays, Ōkyū transforms into a club restaurant. Then changing DJs play until 2 a.m., the music turns up and in summer you can dance on the terrace.

Quick Facts


Monday – Saturday from 12:00 p.m. – 0:00 a.m.
Closed on Sundays

Parking: Rotebühlplatz multi-storey car park


Phone: 0711/ 99775775

Please make a reservation by phone.


Cash, debit card, credit card


Ōkyū Restaurant
Rotebühlpl. 20, Calwer Passage
70173 Stuttgart


Instagram: @okyurestaurants

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