

Melle, as everyone calls him, is an important reference person for editor-in-chief Joachim Fischer. For several reasons: Melle instilled in him his love for Berlin, he showed him that you are very important as a human being, that you don't have to put up with everything as an advertiser and, last but not least, the awareness that you can achieve anything in life!

This is probably also shown by the winding CV of Fritz Hendrick Melle – that’s his full name. Until his emigration to West Berlin in December 1985, Melle was involved in the creative underground of the GDR, publishing in illegal magazines, founding the music project “Criminal Dance Band” and working as a cinema ticket ripper. Studied theology in Naumburg (exmatriculated after four semesters) and social and communication sciences at the University of the Arts in Berlin, worked as a gravedigger and market researcher, founded the advertising agency Melle.Pufe in 1993, was a member of the Art Directors Club (ADC, left in 2014) and initiator of the ADC Vision, won numerous national and international awards for his work (e.g. New York Festival, ADC, Berliner Klappe). Is still an entrepreneur, a cyclist, a seeker and a finder. Lives with his wife and children in Berlin, publishes books and creates Irish whiskeys, gin, rum and vodka with GRACE O’MALLEY SPIRITS. https://www.privatepier.com/#block61

His publications:

Living with the Truth, Blog: www.hendrickmelle.de

WURST, Review: www.berliner-zeitung.de/berlin/berlin-roman-eine-wurstbude-als-schlag-in-die-veganer-magengrube-30048146 // https://www.n-tv.de/leute/buecher/Wurst-ist-Wahrheit-article20502883.html

Audiobook: Ayahuasca – Days of Truth: https://open.spotify.com/album/2QkS4hn2pXEErweO0Xdsbi

Click here for his current list of favorite places:

Food – Das Kink im Pfefferberg/ Prenzlauer Berg; urban, casual-relaxed with a strong pinch of eclecticism. The cuisine is modern and creative, the service pleasantly personal and the bar next door always worth a nightcap. What I particularly appreciate: It’s around the corner from me. https://kink-berlin.de/de/startseite

Drinking – Sitting around after work or with friends and drinking alcohol at the highest level, carefully curated by Thomas Pflanz, that’s the Hildegardbar. A smoking bar, of course. There has to be so much courage to take risks. https://hildegardbar-berlin.de

Shopping – Torstraße/Alte Schönhauser, Kurfürstendamm, all good. But at the end of the day, I’ll have a look at KaDeWe. It tried to be really hip until the end, which is sometimes very funny. But in the end, I always leave the house with a bag in the typical design. https://www.kadewe.de/

Museum – My kids loved the Pergamon Museum , still do; Having a good time with the Aramaic weather god Hadad, strolling along the processional route to the Ishtar Gate – it’s like walking through a thousand movies. Now the Pergamon is being closed for renovation. If you have the chance to visit it again, you should take it. Renovating can take time. https://www.smb.museum/museen-einrichtungen/pergamonmuseum/home/

Favourite place – feet in the sand, a touch of adventure playground for adults, surprising music from Electric to World, well-kept drinks, good food and always a few random friends, that’s the Sage/ Sage Beach on the banks of the Spree. I thought it was only for people like me until my 20-year-old daughter asked me for the guest list. The legend – hot as hell! https://sageberlin.com

Beach bar Capo de Pallos – The waves make lazy “splashing”, children laugh, the national park begins on the right. Behind the beach is a hut: Lío Cala Reona Beach Club. Sounds a bit pompous, but the fish is fresh, the preparation to the point, the service funny and the music only bearable on vacation. All in all: perfect!
Al Lío Cala Reona Beach Club, Capo de Palos, Murcia, Spain

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